ATV’s, Golf Carts, Etc.
Only security and event staff will be allowed to operate ATV’s, golf carts, etc.
Must be worn at all times. Stretched or torn wristbands will not be honored. Entering the festival without paying is trespassing.
Will be allowed on festival grounds. Please control your pets at all times – by leash and at campsite.
If your pets are unable to be controlled (barking, lunging, etc.) please remove them from the festival area.
All pet owners must also clean-up after their pets.
Fireworks are prohibited. Setting off fireworks will result in expulsion from the festival. This includes mini-hot-air balloons that are set adrift to float in breeze. The noise and potential fire hazard pose too great a risk.
Bottles, Cans & Ice Coolers
Glass bottles and glass mugs will not be allowed in the listening area.
Only 1 vehicle belonging to campers permitted in the festival stage area. No unauthorized vehicles allowed in the festival stage area.
Canned Music
Picking and singing is encouraged, as it adds to the festiveness of the event. Do not play any recorded music on stereos or car systems.
Fires are not allowed.
Noise in Campground
In order for everyone to have a great time, please keep the non-music related noise down in the camping area. You will be asked to leave the festival if your actions cannot be controlled. No refund will be given.
Unauthorized Vending & Distributing Literature
You may not sell anything on the festival grounds unless you have a permit. Ask to pass out literature at the festival & campground.
Quiet generators are needed. Please respect sleeping neighbours and shut down all generators from 11:00 p.m. – 8:00 a.m.
Anyone seen with any type of weapon will be escorted from the grounds without refund.
No Illegal Substances
No exceptions – you will be asked to leave the festival without refund.